My Journey

As a survivor of childhood abuse, as well as subsequent medical and spiritual trauma as an adult, I’ve spent over two decades healing from complex trauma. Since appropriate help was completely lacking when I first began healing, I started my journey alone in a university library, reading Bessel van der Kolk’s work in scientific journals in the mid-nineties. I’ve always been a researcher, and, as science caught up to my need, I’ve also had the privilege of working with some truly gifted practitioners.

In the early years of my healing, there were so many times when I desperately needed compassionate, intelligent, trauma-competent caregivers and couldn’t find any. Whether I was looking for a therapist, physical therapist, dentist, pastor, or just a friend, I kept running into huge walls.  I’ve been on the receiving end of far too many re-traumatizing experiences when reaching out for help, so I know what it’s like to feel alone and really long for a compassionate, knowledgeable person to walk alongside me. 

Having the experiential knowledge of what it means to live with and recover from Complex PTSD, I find tremendous joy in walking with my clients as an understanding witness and ally. I chose the path of trauma recovery coaching certification and other relevant trauma training and certifications over pursuing a clinical mental health license so that I can simply come alongside my clients as a fellow survivor. In my own recovery, I found that working with a trauma-competent coach felt way less threatening to my nervous system than therapy, and my ability to heal within the context of a coaching relationship was exponential. I believe this is because the coaching model really disrupts the inherent power differential present in the therapy model that always seemed to trigger my system into overwhelm and shutdown. For more information on how coaching differs from therapy, please click here.

Besides being a Certified Trauma Recovery Coach, my background as a licensed social worker and my experience being an adoptive mom to two kids with attachment and developmental trauma, combined with the challenges I’ve overcome in 25 years of personal recovery, allow me to engage compassionately and competently with survivors who are in need of a fellow traveler as they walk their own brave path to recovery.

My Passions

I teach and coach with the mantra that trauma is first and foremost a disruption of connection. When we must disconnect from ourselves – our bodies, minds and emotions – in order to survive overwhelm, by default we are often left stuck in patterns of disconnection in our relationship to ourselves and others.  Trauma recovery, then, is every survivor’s unique journey of finding our way back to connection with ourselves, which then allows us to connect in meaningful ways to the rest of the world.

For many years, I kept wondering why I wasn’t able to access help, often finding failure in every attempt to go to therapy or engage in common treatments for the physical effects of my traumas. I wanted help, but I simply wasn’t able to stop the instinctive, hard-wired, automatic overwhelm and shut-down that happened every time I tried to engage in any kind of help. It wasn’t until I began to address my trauma at the level of its ongoing impact on my nervous system, with attuned caregivers who were truly trauma competent, that I finally began to heal.

I hold the firm belief that all impacts of trauma should be de-pathologized and seen as normal reactions to overwhelming human experience, and am passionate about teaching self-compassion to survivors and trauma competency to those who serve them. I have come to wholeheartedly believe that every single way trauma shows up in the body and mind as common mental and physical health diagnoses can be understood through the lens of trauma’s overwhelming imprint on our nervous system, this brilliant, miraculous survival mechanism that we’ve been equipped with. I specialize in working with people at the nervous system level to address stuck survival energy, helping you learn how to heal within your own window of capacity. Coming out of overwhelm and/or shut-down at a pace that feels safe to both body and mind allows you to move through recovery in gentle, more effective ways.

I draw on my training in neuroplasticity, the mind/body connection and nervous system regulation strategies to help people heal from a wide variety of mental and physical manifestations of long held survival energy. These include issues such as anxiety, depression, emotional dysregulation or numbness, relational difficulties, attachment challenges and chronic pain or illness. My coaching is also Internal Family Systems (IFS)-informed, and I use my training in “parts work” to help you uncover deeper patterns of wise survival that drive nervous system states and emotional and relational patterns.

Spiritually speaking, my own abuse took place in two polar opposite spiritual environments. I finally found peace in Christ in spite of much harm that came to me in the evangelical Christian church and Christian ministry settings. I love working with those who are either sorting through the ways their trauma was met with more trauma from harmful spiritual experiences, or whose primary trauma happened in a spiritual context. I hold an open and non-judgmental space for clients who desire to explore healing from spiritual trauma. No matter what path you pursue spiritually, I will work with diligence to always meet you with the unconditional, patient, kind-hearted gentleness I have found in Christ. 


Who I Work With

I specialize in using somatic-based healing modalities and nervous system regulation strategies, along with an Internal Family Systems-informed approach (parts work) to help people heal from trauma of all kinds, including:

Women with a history of developmental trauma and those parenting with PTSD

Parents of children who have experienced trauma

Adult Adoptees

Those using limbic system retraining programs looking to add trauma-sensitive practices to their retraining

 Training and Education

  • Certified Trauma Recovery Coach through the International Association of Trauma Recovery Coaching (IAOTRC)

  • IAOTRC mentor coach (2020-2022)

  • Level 3 Certificate in Somatic Embodiment and Regulation Strategies (Linda Thai)

  • Internal Family Systems Online Circle Training

  • SmartBody SmartMind Nervous System Rewire

  • Traumatic Stress and the Breath (Jane Clapp)

  • Dynamic Neural Retraining System (Annie Hopper)

  • Bachelor of social work (retired license)

*I am not a therapist, and even though I sometimes draw on my education and background in social work to inform my work, my coaching services do not constitute therapy or social work services. If you are interested in working with a therapist or social worker, please ask for a referral.

 Get In Touch

For more information, or to connect, please email me at